Maybe it’s because of its simplicity and unsexiness that it doesn’t sell a ton of books. Or make splashing headlines in the newspapers. Or lead to sexy Instagram posts. And maybe that’s why I am so drawn to recommending a daily walk for fat loss.

Let’s explore why even a seemingly insignificant 20 minute daily walk can lead to serious result over the course a year. Since I am known to making obvious more obvious than necessary, I’ll dig deeper than obviously necessary.

Breaking this 20 minute average into a weekly habit could be any of the following scenarios:

  • Two 70 minute walks
  • Three 46 minute walks
  • Four 35 minute walks
  • Five 28 minute walks
  • Six 24 minute walks
  • Seven 20 minute walks (duh)

What does this daily 20 minutes add up to in a year?

20 minutes x 365 days = 121 hours 40 minutes.

Just over five full days walking from sunrise to sunrise. That’s 1.37% of the entire year for those of you who love knowing percentages. I know I do.

How much distance could we cover over the course of a year?

20 minutes of daily walking could take you from Sydney to…um… Canberra.

According to Google Maps, the average walking speed is 4.82km per hour. That’s over 586km of distance we could cover in a year if we walk by Google’s conservative walk speed estimates.

Now, let’s say you’re like me and prefer a slightly faster walk. Still staying on the more conservative side (we’re not running anywhere here) so let’s settle on a speed of 6km per hour.

Over the course of a year, that’s 730km. Now, because this is interesting, let’s get a bit better idea of the distance by putting it in context.

Where could we go with 730km?

  • The 7 Bridges Walk (28km) in Sydney 26 times
  • A conservative estimate of 100 Bondi to Coogee Walks (6km)
  • A 186km short of getting from the Sydney Opera House to Melbourne Square. But with only 20 minutes of walking a day, I’m sure we could pick up the pace to make the difference.
  • A return trip from the Sydney Opera House to the Parliament House in Canberra (620km). And another four 7 Bridges Walks once back in Sydney. Although, why you’d decide to go to Canberra is another thing altogether.
  • Three and a half return trips to The Three Sisters lookout in the Blue Mountains (214km), again leaving from the Opera House
  • Crossing the Airbus A350 wingspan (64.75m) 11 274 times

Ok, I’ll stop there. I think we all got the idea.

What would happen with your fat loss goals if you could do this for a year?

When combined with reasonable eating habits, a small daily walk routine could be all one needs when trying to shed some unwanted kilograms. Add few strength training sessions a week for lean muscle and you’re set.

Or, maybe we should all walk daily to boost up cardiovascular fitness and not get fat. Whatever. But apparently it’s good for us. I probably wouldn’t use that mileage to go to Canberra though. As lovely as it is in there.

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