Think of yourself as a lifelong student of health and fitness. Don’t just show up and mindlessly do what you are being told, then forget all about it until your next session and start again. Study your body the same way as you would study and analyze the Asian stock […]
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Thoughts on… Part II: Fitness for Life, Busyness and Sticking with It
So you started working out and might feel like you just don’t have time for it in your busy schedule. The truth is that most of the times when starting a new habit something else might have to give in order to fit something else in. We as human beings […]
Read MoreAlign Your Goals with Your Values
It’s crucial to base your fitness goals in the values that mean something to you. Finding your “why” is important when setting up goals but it is as important (if not more importarter – I can say that, it’s my blog) to discover or revisit your values before just putting empty words […]
Read MoreBedtime Ritual – Better Sleep Better EVERYTHING (Step by Step Guide)
In the past I’ve written about the importance of having a morning routine to set you up for the day ahead. Think of yourself as an athlete going to a big match, instead that your match is the big business meeting that’ll happen at 10.30am. Yes, you’ll have to plan […]
Read MoreFollow This Simple Rule to Conquer Your Health Goals
Consistent training and eating habits are usually build on one common theme: mastering simple routines.
Read MoreWhat Can You Learn From Failing?
So you’ve started your new training plan and you are working on the daily habit to improve your life. You’re losing fat, getting stronger and feeling better. Things just seem to fall into the right places. Sure, it’s a bit of an effort to keep up with it all but you […]
Read MoreHacking Motivation Through Mindset
Last week I wrote about focusing on habits and the process instead of the end goal. In the past I’ve also written on finding the positive side on everything that life throws at you. So to continue the trend this week’s post is a bit of hybrid of the two […]
Read MoreThoughts on Habits, Road and The Destination
It’s a no secret that I like to emphasize clients to work on a one habit at a time to eventually get them to their goals. Sometimes the habit might seem trivial but it’s all about focusing on each step and building a list of successful habits overtime that will align […]
Read MoreMission Statement for Life …and why You need one
Hah! I knew a skull photo would get your attention! Must be all the residue from the recent Soundwave festival I went to last weekend. The post itself is not gloomy, quite the opposite actually as it can have a positive impact on how you priorities things in your life. So without a […]
Read MoreGet Better Results by Focusing on the Positive
It’s a funny little thing, being positive. People with positive attitude have the best outlook on life no matter what the situation they’re in. We all know some of these people. I can think of one right know and I can’t think of a single moment I’ve seen them upset, always smile on […]
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